How big is schererville indiana?

Schererville is a town located in Lake County, Indiana, United States. This graph shows households in Schererville, IN, distributed among a series of property tax groups compared to the national averages for each group. Among the adult population aged 25 and over, 94.1% of Schererville residents have at least a high school degree or equivalent, 33.5% have a bachelor's degree, and 13.0% have a graduate or professional degree. The table below shows the percentages of U.S.

citizenship in Schererville, IN compared to their neighboring geographies and matrices. The following table shows how the average household income in Schererville, IN compares with that of its neighboring geographies and matrices. Not only are there ample opportunities for businesses to come to Schererville, but the city continues to support them once they are established here. The following graph shows households in Schererville, IN, distributed among a series of income groups compared to the national averages for each group.

Schererville has The Times of Northwest Indiana and The Post-Tribune, which is owned by the Chicago Tribune. The student population of Schererville, IN, is biased toward women, with 1 male student and 21 female students. The map below shows all places in Schererville, IN colored according to their median (total) household income. None of the households in Schererville, IN reported speaking a language other than English at home as their primary shared language.

Long before Indiana became a state, long before Schererville was founded, people called the area the Crossroads, as several Native American trails crossed here, which later became routes for colonists' wagons traveling west. The Facade program aims to improve the central Schererville district, located along Joliet Street. The most recent initiative was the newly built “Shops On Main”, which, together with the hundreds of businesses located along US 30 and US 41, has brought new business, jobs and opportunities to Schererville. The homeownership rate in Schererville, IN, is 80.4%, which is higher than the national average of 64.4%.

The most common industries in Schererville, IN, by number of employees, are social assistance for 26% of healthcare (2,264 people), manufacturing (2,123 people) and educational services (1,672 people). Fortunately, several major highways are easily accessible to anyone wishing to leave Schererville and have interchanges that branch off onto Highways 30 and 41; I65, I80, I94, Illinois Route 394, and more.